Alamance County Pediatric Practices One of a Kind in Positive Parenting
BURLINGTON – The successful and comprehensive integration of the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program within pediatric primary care practices in Alamance County is unique not only in the state but across the US.
Triple P America Implementation Consultant, Randy Ahn said lessons learned from this implementation site will be used to inform Triple P rollouts in other states and other countries. “As I spoke with several key providers and colleagues around the world, it’s become clear that Alamance County has put together one of the most coherent and complete models for introducing and integrating Triple P in primary care thus far,” said Dr. Ahn.
Alamance County’s two largest pediatric practices, Burlington Pediatrics and Kernodle Clinic Pediatrics, through NC Project LAUNCH, have implemented a Family Centered Medical Home model that incorporates Triple P into each doctor’s visit. Triple P is a parenting support resource that encourages small changes in parent/caregiver and child behavior to build positive relationships within the family. In this Family Centered Medical Home model, physicians and nurses implement basic level parenting education at each doctor’s visit and if additional social-emotional support is needed, providers at the office use warm hand-offs to connect families to a co-located Early Childhood Team. “Triple P takes advantage of in-the-moment care and opens the door to better, ongoing communication between parents and health care professionals,” said Dr. Robin Gary Cummings, N.C. Department of Health and Human Services Deputy Secretary for Health Services/Medicaid Transformation and Acting State Health Director. “As consistent application of these techniques grows throughout the child services community, the doctor-parent-child bond becomes stronger, encouraging future opportunities to improve parenting skills.” Within the practices, 16 medical practitioners and staff have been trained and accredited in Triple P. Additionally, local Project Manager for NC LAUNCH, Ann Meletzke, has overseen training and accreditation for more than 150 staff at child-serving agencies in the county, offering parent education and support for caregivers throughout the community.
“Triple P is an incredible tool that allows providers, community resource staff, and parents to use the same language when talking about parenting and child behavior,” said Martha Kaufman, Local Project Director for NC LAUNCH. “We know that when a parent receives support at their doctor’s office, they will receive the same message and support when they interact with staff within the school system, at child care facilities, or at the hospital.” Triple P’s Dr. Ahn adds, “Speaking a common language and coordinating services across agencies and sectors is a hallmark of successful public health programs and should benefit all children and families in the county.”
Funding for NC Project LAUNCH (Linking Actions for Unmet Needs in Children’s Health) is made possible through a grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, HHS to the NC Division of Public Health. Project LAUNCH uses evidence-based programs to support families of young children, promote early childhood learning, development and overall child wellness. “Alamance County has developed a strong model for integrating mental health supports and services into primary care practice,” says Dr. Jennifer Oppenheim, the federal lead for this national grant program. “We’re so pleased to see how these pediatric practices have embraced Triple P and are now able to offer parents a wide array of services to help children thrive.”