Formerly Care Coordination for Children (CC4C). As of July 1, 2021, the Care Coordination for Children Program changed to a new service called Case Management for At-Risk Children (CMARC). CMARC is a free and voluntary program that helps families like yours find and use community services. CMARC care managers can help with finding medical care, transportation, childcare and/or financial aid. They can also provide you with information about a wide variety of family-oriented resources.
The goals of CMARC are:
- To connect your family with services for children and families
- To support your children in reaching their developmental potential
- To help ensure that children are raised in a healthy, safe, and nurturing environment
The care manager will:
- Discuss family strengths and concerns through home visits, telephone calls and other personal contacts
- Identify programs, services, and resources that meet your family’s needs
- Serve as a link between you and your child’s doctor or nurse
- Identify ways you can strengthen parent-child relationships
- Introduce you to parent support programs when available
- Offer encouragement and support
Who is Eligible? Children birth to age three who are at risk for developmental delay or disability, long term illness and/or social, emotional disorders and children ages birth to five who have been diagnosed with developmental delay or disability, long term illness and/or social and emotional disorders may be eligible for the program.
How can I find out more about or make a referral? If you are interested in more information about the Case Management for At-Risk Children (CMARC) program, please call (336) 227-0101 and ask to speak with the CMARC supervisor.