Alamance Confirms Third Rabies Case in 2014
BURLINGTON – The North Carolina State Laboratory of Public Health in Raleigh has confirmed Alamance County’s third rabies case for the year.
On August 2, a raccoon attacked two dogs on Tangle Ridge Trail in Alamance County. The owner shot the raccoon then contacted Alamance County Animal Control to pick up the raccoon. The raccoon was then sent to the State Laboratory of Public Health for rabies testing. On August 5, the State Laboratory of Public Health confirmed the raccoon to have rabies. The two dogs were not up-to-date on their rabies vaccinations and were surrendered, then euthanized.
“It is North Carolina law that cats and dogs be vaccinated against rabies,” reminds Environmental Health Director, Carl Carroll. “Rabies vaccination protects not only your pet, but also helps to protect you and your family. We urge everyone that owns a dog or cat to check to see if their pet’s rabies vaccination is up to date and if not, schedule an appointment with a veterinarian today”.
If you are bitten by any animal:
•Wash the wound with soap and running water for ten (10) minutes and seek medical attention immediately.
•Write down the location of the animal and a description of the animal to provide to animal control. If the animal is someone’s pet, also get the owner’s name and address. Give this information to animal control or the health department.
•Do not try to catch any wild animal.
In 2013, there were eight confirmed rabies cases in Alamance County and a total of 380 confirmed rabies cases statewide.
For more information or questions about rabies control and vaccinations requirements, contact the health department’s Environmental Health office at (336) 570-6367.