Health Department Releases 2012 State of the County Health Report
BURLINGTON – The Alamance County Health Department has completed and released the State of the County Health (SOTCH) report for 2012. The report provides updates on health statistics and information on progress in priority health areas as determined in the 2011 Community Health Assessment.
Community health priorities highlighted in the SOTCH include obesity, substance abuse, mental health and access to health care. The SOTCH details various initiatives, activities and strategies employed to improve the health of the community related to those four priority areas. Additionally, the SOTCH highlights ongoing public health work such as maternal child health outcomes, teen pregnancy prevention, and air quality improvement.
The SOTCH summarizes the county’s response to the increase in pertussis cases, or whooping cough, beginning in November 2011 in the emerging issue section. The emerging issue section of the SOTCH was first included in 2008 to highlight health issues of importance that were not initially identified or anticipated in the Community Health Assessment.
The SOTCH is a collaborative effort between the Alamance County Health Department, Alamance Regional Medical Center, Healthy Alamance, United Way and other community partners. The SOTCH report is an annual report required by the North Carolina Division of Public Health from all local health departments in the years between Community Health Assessments.
To view the SOTCH: 2012 State of the County Health Report (SOTCH)