Community Assessment
At least every four years, the Health Department, Healthy Alamance, and other community agencies work together to complete a comprehensive community health assessment. This document provides information about the health of Alamance County and about our community’s capacity to improve the lives of our residents. Information about population, employment, education, teen pregnancy rate, death rate, injury rate, crime rate, disease rate, and many other important quality of life factors are included in this report.
Healthy Alamance is the local Healthy Carolinians partnership in Alamance County. In 1997, over 150 Alamance County citizens came together to talk about health issues specific to our area. These leaders knew that in order to progress toward improved physical fitness and well-being, individuals would have to take responsibility for their own health. This could happen only when communities were allowed to choose the issues that were important to them. It was from this process that Healthy Alamance was born. Healthy Alamance is a partnership between Alamance Regional Medical Center, the Alamance County Health Department, Alamance-Caswell Local Management Entity (LME), and the Alamance County Department of Social Services.
For more information about Healthy Alamance, click here.
Public Health Preparedness Program
The Health Department works with our partners in Emergency Management to plan for and respond to public health emergencies resulting from natural or man-made disasters. The Health Department seeks to organize supplies and personnel to respond efficiently and effectively to public health challenges.
- Write and exercise emergency operations plans for the Strategic National Stockpile and Pandemic Flu Response.
- Educate community about emergency preparedness for families
- Outreach to people most vulnerable to disasters, such as people with disabilities, the elderly, and people of imited incomes
- Recruit and train a Medical Reserve Corps
For additional information on the Alamance County Health Department’s Public Health Preparedness Program, click here.
Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies
In July 2005, the Health Department formed the Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition with membership from Alamance Regional Medical Center (ARMC), Alamance Partnership for Children, Kidspath, Family Center of Alamance, Department of Social Services and NC Healthy Start Foundation.
The goal of the coalition is to reduce the number of infant deaths in the county, especially among our African American community. The coalition is implementing a Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention Campaign, Safe Surrender campaign, and working to track infant deaths to help identify social, economic or environmental causes that may contribute to infant mortality.
For more information about the Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition call 336-570-6273.
Child Asthma Program
The Alamance County Health Departments Office of Health Education and Promotion works closely with Alamance Regional Medical Centers Pediatric Asthma Center to educate asthmatic children (birth to age 17) and their families about ways to control and prevent asthma attacks. A team of nurses, respiratory therapists, case managers, and an environmental health specialist work together to assist families with asthmatic children. Services are free of charge. For more information, please call (336) 538-7036 for more information.
Nebulizers are also loaned for a short period of time through Medicap Pharmacy free of charge to children who do not have Medicaid or Health choice and need them on a short-term basis. For more information, please call (336) 584-8878.
Safe Kids
Safe Kids is a coalition made up of health professionals from ARMC, the Health Department, Burlington Police, Sheriff’s Department, American Red Cross, local Fire Departments, and other community agencies, working to:
- Generate awareness of the consequences of accidental injuries and empower the community to prevent them. empower the community to prevent them.
- Strengthen child safety laws and regulations.
- Provide lifesaving devices such as child safety seats, helmets and smoke alarms to families who need them.
- Promote leadership in child safety through effective and sustainable partnerships.
For more information about Safe Kids Alamance County, call 336-570-6273.